Islamic Thought and Sources
Author(s): Kenneth Payne
Reviewed by: Afsan Redwan
Publisher: C Hurst & Co. Publishers Ltd., 2021, ix+288pp. ISBN: 9781787384620.
As the development of Industry 4.0 takes shape around us, the increasing connectivity between arti cial intelligence, robotics, and the wider world begins to blur. Within this blur lies a broader question around the role of robots in areas that have direct consequences on traditional forms of human life. These range from how robotics impact jobs in manufacturing to the role of teachers in the classroom. An area that has been somewhat neglected is how robots will change human warfare. The term “warbot” may bring techno-apocalyptic portrayals of robots in movies such as ‘Terminator’ or ‘I, Robot’. However, the real possibility of having physical robots deployed on battle elds is very much in the scope of companies such as Boston Dynamics. The deployment of robots in drone technology has already been cited as evidence that warbots are on the eld. The implications from using military robots raise questions from which campaigners actively seek to ban their use entirely. Kenneth Payne explores the motivations behind military robot usage (pp. 8–9) to answer the impending future questions around how robots will faithfully serve humanity and human responsibility. Payne is a reader in international relations at Kings College London; his research examines how