My Garden Over Gaza

My Garden Over Gaza

Children’s Literature

My Garden Over Gaza

Author(s): Sarah Musa

Reviewed by: Ruqaiyah Hibell



Reviewed by: Ruqaiyah Hibell, The Islamic Foundation, UK

Published by: Ruqaya’s Bookshelf, Toronto, 2022, 30pp. ISBN: 9781989079256.

Explaining the complexities of life in Gaza to a child is no easy task. Author, Sarah Musa, herself of Palestinian heritage, tackles the subject head-on and narrates a short story that raises an array of political and human rights’ issues, which are presented to the child/reader for consciousness, absorption, thought and discussion, offered from the perspective of a Gazan child. The text is supported by apposite illustrations of life in the enclave which serve to raise awareness of the central character, Noura and her family’s living conditions within the writer’s depiction of an embattled environment.

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